Multi-family investing is a completely different game with entirely different players compared to single family. You may not know how to structure a multi-family deal or are wary of choosing the wrong property, or even the wrong partner. You may have struggles getting financed for residential properties and don’t have enough capital to jump into multi-family. 

We understand your frustration in not knowing how to get started and the confusion in establishing a team in
multi-family, and we are here to help!

We have been in real estate since 1999 and transacted over $25M in multi-family investments, and like you, our mentorship clients had their own challenges in getting into multi-family investing. We know you can also overcome your problems with our guidance, just like they have, so you can grow your portfolio and income to enjoy lifestyle freedom!

Make the leap into multi-family investing today!


We have been in real estate since 1999, so we know how the game works! Learn from the insiders of real estate investing.

We’ll teach you:

  • How to identify what kind of investor you are?
  • What opportunities await you in multi-family?
  • What TO do and what NOT to do for specific investment opportunities?
  • How to grow your portfolio, and your income?
  • How to make sure you enjoy the success you’ve achieved thus far!
Eric and Karen Peters


We get to know you and understand your intentions.

We coach you, mostly by asking a lot of questions and helping you to problem solve through your issues.

We celebrate with you.

Multi-Family Homes. Coaching Services Page.

Investment is personal for everyone—your personal time, experience, and finances. This means our coaching services are also personal, just for you!

We offer one-on-one coaching in-person, or via telephone or Zoom available. 

Schedule a 20-minute discovery call with us today and we’ll discuss the best next steps for your leap into multi-family investing!


  • Ease of management
  • Economies of scale
    • You can have a resident manager be your “eyes and ears,” as well as look after the day-to-day on-site details
    • Lower property management fees
    • Lower maintenance costs per door
  • Generally easier financing rules (in terms of personal income requirements)
  • Controlled vacancy losses
  • More control of the property


A group of business professionals during coaching.

What’s the difference between single family and
multi-family investing?

While the general principles of investing still hold true for multi-family investing, there are some key distinctions from single family investing. It will be necessary to deal with different realtors, mortgage brokers, legal teams, and insurance brokers as well as surveyors, engineers, and many others! Not many professionals have experience in both areas, and sometimes a good professional in one area can get you into a lot of trouble in another area.

What’s the difference between single family and multi-family investing?
While the general principles of investing still hold true for multi-family investing, there are some key distinctions from single family investing. It will be necessary to deal with different realtors, mortgage brokers, legal teams, and insurance brokers as well as surveyors, engineers, and many others! Not many professionals have experience in both areas, and sometimes a good professional in one area can get you into a lot of trouble in another area.

Puzzle pieces fit together. Coaching Services Page.

How to grow a multi-family team
The best way to start growing a team is referrals from someone who has a team. Always ask around and find who the experts in the industry are using, and start from there! After all, you can never go wrong with what already works for others.

What are the challenges of a multi-family team?
Probably the single biggest challenge in assembling the team is failing to understand how important it is to put together a team with proven expertise. Just because a realtor did very well finding or selling a house for you does not qualify them to do the same for a multi-family property. It is rare to find a realtor that can handle both property types well. That is also true of the other professionals required to close the deal or manage it appropriately.


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I have enjoyed Eric’s incredible work ethic, honesty and integrity. My wife and I are happy to call Eric and Karen very good friends which has developed out of our working relationship.

“I have known Eric and his wife Karen, for nine years in a variety of business ventures.I have come to appreciate his integrity, honesty and commitment in dealing with peers, partners and customers in a forthright and kind manner.His preparedness and knowledge are second to none and he willingly shares this knowledge with all who ask.

Eric has a heart for people.He is an acknowledged leader who portrays the “Golden Rule” of life, whether it pertains to business, recreation, family or faith.”

“I have known Eric for the last three years. From my experience Eric has proven himself to be honest, hard working, enthusiastic, and well organized. In my opinion he is a very competent leader.”

“I would  like to say that Eric Peters is a very honourable man.  He has always done what he said that he was going to do.  He has been very good at keeping me informed and he has done a good job of looking after business.  I believe I am in very good hands dealing with Eric and I know you will be too. All the very best,”

Still unsure?
Have more questions?
We’re here to help!